The project was successfully completed on August 11, 2023.

Project Summary
We, JapanPlus Co., Ltd. support businesses that are engaged in “safe and secure agriculture” in our hometown, Kumamoto.
As part of this effort, we challenged this project to start an owner-tree system whereby farmers can send us “grapes from the tree of which they have become the owner.
Through the owner tree system, farmers can stabilize their income and solve the problem of waste loss, and those who become owners can enjoy tasty grapes at a more reasonable price than usual.
Period: June 26 – August 11, 2023
Total support purchase amount: 2,072,295 yen
Supporters: 206 people
Percentage of project goal achieved: 2,072%
Even after reaching our target amount well after the first day of the opening to the public, we received warm support from many supporters,
As a result, we were able to achieve 2023% of our goal.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the owners who endorsed and supported our project.
We are now preparing for next year’s grapevine owner recruitment.
We are also planning to introduce other projects to support agriculture in Kumamoto.
We hope that you will support businesses that are working on “safe and secure agriculture” in Kumamoto through JapanPlus projects.
Buyer Reviews

They were the freshest and most delicious I have ever tasted!
I don’t usually peel the skin off of a Cheyenne Muscat, but I gently peeled it off and savored each piece of fruit carefully.
I would like to participate again next year if possible!
Thank you very much for a happy time.

Let’s bring Kumamoto’s delicious food to the world and make everyone happy!

I was very surprised at how magnificent these grapes were.
They look delicious, but I can’t stop salivating when I think about actually eating them.
Thank you for taking care of them for so long.
I will definitely repeat your service if you ever offer them again.